- We are grateful to be celebrating 8 years of Blissful Baking in January!! Our aim is to make our customers and anyone who tastes Comfort Cookies Happy, Happy, Happy!
Yes... our baking ingredient costs have gone up over the years.
Yes... we pay extra for folks to pay online via credit cards.
Along with that, we realize these are challenging economic times and we are so very appreciative that folks choose our cookies!
It will take a few days to fully implement across our site, but the price you will pay per cookie online will be LOWERED by 11% as of December 15, 2014.
Thank You!
- What's your Gluten-Free pleasure? Chocolate Chip, Double Chocolate, Ginger or perhaps Gluten Free Peanut Butter? Choose among eight Gluten Free varieties!
- Keep the Celebration Going! 'Comfort Cookie of the Month Club'! Choose a 3, 6, 9, or 12 month subscription and the lucky recipient will get 12 delectable Comfort Cookies in beautiful gift bags every month!
'Custom Order' is our middle name!
Did you know we will happily print a custom message on each Comfort Cookie just for you?! Did you know we will enclose an artful greeting card in your order to match the occasion? No additional charge to you and available with every order!
- Nothing says LOVE like fresh-baked, homemade Comfort Cookies! Whether you are celebrating a family reunion, wedding or perhaps a new addition to the family, let us provide the custom labeling and artful card! Available with every order, no matter how large or small and never an additional charge!
- Did you know you can suggest a flavor to us? A loyal customer from New York, called us and asked if we made an 'Oatmeal Date Walnut' Comfort Cookie. We didn't, but we sure do now! Have a flavor idea? Call or e-mail us please...we welcome your suggestions!
| Comfort Cookies Events/Demos
Saturdays thru October 25, 2014
Northwest Farmers Market
Saint Albans, Vermont
(A six month celebration of fantastic FRESH food and fun for the whole family!)
Archived News
October, November, December 2011
July, August, September 2011
May & June 2011
March & April 2011
January & February 2011
November & December 2010
September & October 2010
July & August 2010
May & June 2010
January & February 2010
November & December 2009